Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Wow! They say that you can experience all four seasons in one day here in England.  We believe it! This morning the sun was shining and I actually went outside with a short-sleeved t-shirt and bare feet!  By this afternoon, however, this was the scene from our bedroom window and in front of our home looking down the street!  These were actually the LARGEST snowflakes we have EVER seen! Burrrrrr!


Unknown said...

Beautiful, just beautiful. Bubba, do you remember the ice storm of 1994 ?

Anonymous said...

Eli wants to come see your snow. He loves living in Mississippi but feels the one draw-back is very very little snow. I just wanted to let you know that y'all are in our prayers daily and we are so proud of y'all!!!God's richest blessings to you!!
Your cousin and sister,

Prayer Requests

If you have any needs or praises that you would like to share with us, we would love to lift those with you to our Heavenly Father. If you prefer to do so confidentially, feel free to email such to us at: Lollarfamilymission@hotmail.com

About Us

To live our lives to glorify God to the fullest. Whether at work, at play, at church, or out in the world, we want to lift the name of the Lord our Savior, Jesus Christ. We are very thankful that God has called us into career missions. We are having to step out into the unknown, which is fine because nothing is unknown to God! This way, we must depend fully on God, and God alone--not on ourselves or on men.