Sunday, December 26, 2010

2010 Kingshurst Christmas Pageant

Here are a few pics of the annual Christmas pageant. We were blessed that despite wintry weather conditions, we saw many attendees and had a good response. Please continue to pray for each seed of God's Truth which was planted through this event.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Empower Christmas Party

Here are some of the Empower kids at their Christmas party. This is my Christmas present from them...I told them that all I wanted was this picture. They are a fun group, and they bless our hearts in so many ways.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The KEC Christmas Pageant

If you are wondering where we have been, and why we haven't blogged in a while, the above poster should lend an answer to that question. We are currently very busy preparing this Christmas pageant, which will be presented to the Kingshurst community of Birmingham, England. Please be in prayer for this event. Our pageant ministries provide the largest evangelical outreach of all of our ministry projects. Our prayer is that through this effort, souls will be saved, and lives will be forever changed. If you are in England, please join us for an evening of quality entertainment, which will be used to convey the Gospel message using the fine and performing arts. Contact us for FREE tickets!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Light in the Night at KEC 2010

Here are just a few scenes from tonight's festivities. We are praising God for a wonderful Light in the Night party at KEC!!! We had close to 100 guests attending! Tracts were distributed, the Truth of God's Word was declared in drama, fellowship was brilliant, and Bibles were distributed! Thank you to all who participated in, worked at, or attended this event!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Light in the Night Party at KEC!

We are thrilled to announce that KEC will be having a Light in the Night party on 31 October from 5 pm until 6.30! Please come by if you are in the area. If not, please pray for this event. At 6.30, KEC members will have a time of prayer, praise and fellowship to end the evening's event.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

KEC Children's Choir Blessing

Wow! 18 Children's Choir members and their families showed up today at KEC and blessed our socks off with their singing! Way to go, choir, and we are so thankful to serve such an awesome God!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

KEC Children's Choir

What a wonderful group of children we have been blessed to have in the "Back to School" session's choir program at KEC! They are truly such a blessing. If you are in the area, stop by and see them perform this Sunday, 17 October at KEC's morning service!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Daniel Discipleship Course

Our Thursday evening growth group at KEC is experiencing such a blessing this term as we participate in the Beth Moore study entitled, "Daniel, Lives of Integrity Words of Prophecy."

Monday, August 23, 2010

KEC Holiday Club 2010

We praise God for all that He has done, is doing, and is going to do through KEC's Holiday Club 2010! We are so thankful that with a record high enrollment of 61 children, we saw at least 20 children and one adult experience salvation at this event! The pictures above were taken at the Sunday night Celebration of this event.

Monday, June 14, 2010

KEC Church Day Out at Childswickham in the Cotswolds

What an awesome day in the Lord was had by all at Saturday's KEC Church Day Out at Childswickham! The above pics give a glimpse to our beautiful day with our church family. God is SO GOOD!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Fun Fayre Event 2010

Thanks to all who helped and prayed while we painted faces at the fun fayre at Meriden Park in Chelmsley Wood last weekend. Although it was cold and rainy most of the time, we still got to witness to several and give out many tracts and info sheets regarding Christianity and upcoming events at KEC.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The 2010 Kingshurst Passion Play

WOW! What an awesome Easter 2010 has been! We are thrilled to report that the Passion Play saw numerous salvations!!! We praise God for each new soul that we will see in heaven! Above are a few pictures of the event. We thank you for your prayers, encouragement and support. Please continue to pray as we now transition into the follow-up phases of this evangelistic outreach effort. May Jesus Christ be praised!

Prayer Requests

If you have any needs or praises that you would like to share with us, we would love to lift those with you to our Heavenly Father. If you prefer to do so confidentially, feel free to email such to us at:

About Us

To live our lives to glorify God to the fullest. Whether at work, at play, at church, or out in the world, we want to lift the name of the Lord our Savior, Jesus Christ. We are very thankful that God has called us into career missions. We are having to step out into the unknown, which is fine because nothing is unknown to God! This way, we must depend fully on God, and God alone--not on ourselves or on men.