Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Christmas Pageant Construction!

What excitement is now at KEC! As the big truck delivered the lumber and supplies to the church this morning, faithful workers met the challenge this presented. Pictured above are Roy, Chris and Pastor Bob (Bubba took the pic!) Although they have worked so hard on constructing the stage and sets for THE REASON, our upcoming Christmas Pageant, they have had a wonderful time sharing in the fellowship with which God has blessed in abundance. May all of our work and each facet of this program honour Him and lift high the name of JESUS!!!

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Prayer Requests

If you have any needs or praises that you would like to share with us, we would love to lift those with you to our Heavenly Father. If you prefer to do so confidentially, feel free to email such to us at: Lollarfamilymission@hotmail.com

About Us

To live our lives to glorify God to the fullest. Whether at work, at play, at church, or out in the world, we want to lift the name of the Lord our Savior, Jesus Christ. We are very thankful that God has called us into career missions. We are having to step out into the unknown, which is fine because nothing is unknown to God! This way, we must depend fully on God, and God alone--not on ourselves or on men.