Friday, August 21, 2009

Wicksteed Park, UK

Today was the final day of KEC's 2009 Holiday Club. Each year on Friday of HC, we take a trip. This year we went to Wicksteed Park. It was a delightful ending to a simply miraculous week. Shown above, Myleea and friends stop long enough to make this picture, several of our group of youngsters waiting in the que for a ride, and finally, Bubba and crew riding the rollercoaster at the park. (Yes, those are sweatshirts and long sleeves you see! This is England...sun can be a rarity here!) We ended up with 50 registered participants and 8 decisions of children who desire to make Jesus the Lord and Saviour of their lives! Thank you for your prayers, and may God be praised for the awesome and mighty things He has done and is doing!

1 comment:

Pops said...

I am so proud of the 8 that accepted Christ as their Savior. The seed is planted and will not go by the wayside.I am so proud of the work you are doing for the Kingdom of God. Really miss having you close to us but I recognize God has you in his chosen place to help rescue souls from an eternity in hell where there will be no hope. So keep doing God's will for your lives and we will keep praying for your safety and continued success in planting the Word in each of your endeavors. I can't tell you how proud I am of you. That pride and knowledge of His will helps to quell the tremendous void we feel since you have been gone.

Love you all MTTMS&S

Prayer Requests

If you have any needs or praises that you would like to share with us, we would love to lift those with you to our Heavenly Father. If you prefer to do so confidentially, feel free to email such to us at:

About Us

To live our lives to glorify God to the fullest. Whether at work, at play, at church, or out in the world, we want to lift the name of the Lord our Savior, Jesus Christ. We are very thankful that God has called us into career missions. We are having to step out into the unknown, which is fine because nothing is unknown to God! This way, we must depend fully on God, and God alone--not on ourselves or on men.